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RFC 1459: Internet Relay Chat / 4. Message details / 4.2 Channel operations
previous:4.2.4 Topic message
this:4.2.5 Names message
next:4.2.6 List message

4.2.5 Names message

      Command: NAMES
   Parameters: [<channel>{,<channel>}]

   By using the NAMES command, a user can list all nicknames that are
   visible to them on any channel that they can see.  Channel names
   which they can see are those which aren't private (+p) or secret (+s)
   or those which they are actually on.  The <channel> parameter
   specifies which channel(s) to return information about if valid.
   There is no error reply for bad channel names.

   If no <channel> parameter is given, a list of all channels and their
   occupants is returned.  At the end of this list, a list of users who
   are visible but either not on any channel or not on a visible channel
   are listed as being on `channel' "*".


           RPL_NAMREPLY                    RPL_ENDOFNAMES


   NAMES #twilight_zone,#42        ; list visible users on #twilight_zone
                                   and #42 if the channels are visible to

   NAMES                           ; list all visible channels and users


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