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RFC 1459: Internet Relay Chat / 4. Message details / 4.2 Channel operations
previous: User modes
this:4.2.4 Topic message
next:4.2.5 Names message

4.2.4 Topic message

      Command: TOPIC
   Parameters: <channel> [<topic>]

   The TOPIC message is used to change or view the topic of a channel.
   The topic for channel <channel> is returned if there is no <topic>
   given.  If the <topic> parameter is present, the topic for that
   channel will be changed, if the channel modes permit this action.

   Numeric Replies:

           RPL_NOTOPIC                     RPL_TOPIC

   :Wiz TOPIC #test :New topic     ;User Wiz setting the topic.

   TOPIC #test :another topic      ;set the topic on #test to "another

   TOPIC #test                     ; check the topic for #test.


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