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RFC 1459: Internet Relay Chat / 5. OPTIONALS
previous:5.6 Operwall message
this:5.7 Userhost message
next:5.8 Ison message

5.7 Userhost message

      Command: USERHOST
   Parameters: <nickname>{<space><nickname>}

   The USERHOST command takes a list of up to 5 nicknames, each
   separated by a space character and returns a list of information
   about each nickname that it found.  The returned list has each reply
   separated by a space.

   Numeric Replies:

           RPL_USERHOST                    ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS


   USERHOST Wiz Michael Marty p    ;USERHOST request for information on
                                   nicks "Wiz", "Michael", "Marty" and "p"


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