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RFC 1459: Internet Relay Chat / 5. OPTIONALS
previous:5.3 Restart message
this:5.4 Summon message
next:5.5 Users

5.4 Summon message

      Command: SUMMON
   Parameters: <user> [<server>]

   The SUMMON command can be used to give users who are on a host
   running an IRC server a message asking them to please join IRC.  This
   message is only sent if the target server (a) has SUMMON enabled, (b)
   the user is logged in and (c) the server process can write to the
   user's tty (or similar).

   If no <server> parameter is given it tries to summon <user> from the
   server the client is connected to is assumed as the target.

   If summon is not enabled in a server, it must return the
   ERR_SUMMONDISABLED numeric and pass the summon message onwards.

   Numeric Replies:

           ERR_NORECIPIENT                 ERR_FILEERROR
           ERR_NOLOGIN                     ERR_NOSUCHSERVER


   SUMMON jto                      ; summon user jto on the server's host

   SUMMON jto       ; summon user jto on the host which a
                                   server named "" is


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1. Glossry of IRC terms and abbreviations

2. How to connect to SorceryNet

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