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RFC 1459: Internet Relay Chat / 4. Message details / 4.5 User based queries
previous:4.5.2 Whois query
this:4.5.3 Whowas
next:4.6 Miscellaneous messages

4.5.3 Whowas

      Command: WHOWAS
   Parameters: <nickname> [<count> [<server>]]

   Whowas asks for information about a nickname which no longer exists.
   This may either be due to a nickname change or the user leaving IRC.
   In response to this query, the server searches through its nickname
   history, looking for any nicks which are lexically the same (no wild
   card matching here).  The history is searched backward, returning the
   most recent entry first.  If there are multiple entries, up to
   <count> replies will be returned (or all of them if no <count>
   parameter is given).  If a non-positive number is passed as being
   <count>, then a full search is done.

   Numeric Replies:

           RPL_WHOWASUSER                  RPL_WHOISSERVER


   WHOWAS Wiz                      ; return all information in the nick
                                   history about nick "WiZ";

   WHOWAS Mermaid 9                ; return at most, the 9 most recent
                                   entries in the nick history for

   WHOWAS Trillian 1 *.edu         ; return the most recent history for
                                   "Trillian" from the first server found
                                   to match "*.edu".


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